Community of Practice Meetings

These meetings are a means of staying in touch with other O&M specialists around Australasia to share resources, knowledge and experience outside of our organisations. The Membership Engagement Committee will be running these meetings quarterly with different topics to be covered in each session. Registered OMAA Members who attend live are eligible to receive 1 COMS continuing education point per CoP Meeting; please read below for more details.


Upcoming meetings

Community of Practice Workshop 3: ‘O&M in Far-Flung Places’

Please join us in July for the next Community of Practice!

Date: Tuesday 30th July 2024


AEST: 1.30pm – 3:00pm

WA: 11.30am – 1.00pm

NZ: 3.30pm – 5.00pm

Zoom link:  

Presenters: Come and hear inspiring stories from your O&M colleagues near and far as we discuss ‘O&M in Far-Flung Places’!

We will also cover the following:

  • What is happening around our regions
  • Update from the Professional Development Committee – with the latest about the 2025 conference!
  • Update from the Professional Standards Committee

For more information about this CoP, please contact:

Rebecca Dunkley


COMS Points

Join our Community of Practice meetings and you will receive 1 COMS point for each one you attend! Please note: you must attend the meeting in person to be awarded the point.

Below we have clarified the process for receiving a certificate for your CE points if you are COMS and are wanting those points.

The final CoP in 2023 was a registered event for ACVREP however others in 2023 were not so are not eligible for the 1 CE point. We are expecting each CoP meeting will attract 1 CE point going forward if there is a relevant topic.

To make life a little easier for your volunteer Professional Development committee we have decided to issue certificates at the end of the 2024 calendar year which will include the CoP at the end of 2023 as well. If you would like a certificate with your attendance and CE points noted you will need to reach out to us at that time (there will be a reminder nearer the time).

If your ACVREP renewal is due before that and you need the certificate early, please reach out by emailing

We keep a track at each CoP meeting who is in attendance. It is helpful if you have your full name on the zoom so that we can keep track easily. Thanks for your cooperation with this.


Past meetings

Missed the last meeting? See below for recordings of past meetings.



Have a suggestion for an upcoming topic, or other feedback? Email the Membership Engagement Committee at