PDC Committee

Message from the Professional Development Committee (PDC)

Congratulations to all of you who are now certified and welcome to the COMS and ROMSA community!

Once you are certified you have five years to collect your COMS credits for recertification with ACVREP. You must accrue 100 points of evidence of continuing professional development (education) in order to renew your certification at the end of a five-year cycle.

CPD (CE) points can be accrued from four categories of activity, with the first category being compulsory:

  1. Professional Education: minimum 25 points, maximum 100 points
  2. Professional Experience: maximum 50 points
  3. Publications and Presentations: maximum 50 points
  4. Professional Service: maximum 50 points

We would like you to know that OMAA now hold an ACVREP account, allowing us to approve online courses as CPD events.

The Professional Development Committee would like to encourage you to pursue professional activities in order to achieve the following goals:

  • Obtain information on current trends
  • Explore new technologies
  • Develop balanced professional judgment and enhance critical skills
  • Acquire knowledge in specific focus areas

The OMAA PDC committee would like to know about your interest in continuing professional development topics and event participation.

Please email us if you would like a specific event/course to be considered as the CPD event.

Please note that the committee require a minimum of three event participants to allow the event to be COMS credit registered.

If members attend professional development endorsed by OMAA but run by organizations other than OMAA or NextSense then the member is responsible to request the certificate of attendance for claiming CPD points for COMs within 3 months after the event attendance. 

OMAA does not take responsibility for the attendance recording of these events as they are not controlled by OMAA and we are unable to follow up your attendance on your behalf after 3 months. Therefore we advise that you do email pdc@omaaustralasia.com and request your CPD COMS certificate of attendance straight after your event  so you don’t miss out on points you deserve.

Please share this information and promote the approved for COMS recertification professional development opportunities with your colleagues and people in your work places.

Professional Development Committee,

Ewa, Marnie, Nicola, Paula, Niki, Ange

Ewa Borkowski COMS, ROMSA

OMAA Professional Development Committee Chair

E: pdc@omaaustralasia.com


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